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The 2015 White House Christmas ornament honors the administration of Calvin Coolidge, who served as the thirtieth president of the United States from 1923 to 1929. A depiction of the first National Christmas tree crafted from shiny brass plated with nickel and 24k gold is illuminated from within and hung with ornaments representing the events of Coolidge’s unique life and presidency. Both the north and south facades of the White House are included in the ornament design. In total 14 individual ornaments are included on the tree which is topped with a star similar in design to the first National Christmas Tree.
At 5:00p.m. on Christmas Eve 1923, President Coolidge pressed a button and lighted strings of more than 2,500 electric bulbs on the National Christmas Tree, a 60-foot tall fir from his native Vermont, on the Ellipse. More than 6,000 people then arrived on the White House grounds at the Coolidges’ invitation to sing Christmas carols and enjoy the music of the U.S. Marine Band. President Coolidge became the first chief executive to preside over a public celebration of the Christmas holidays.