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My Account


1)  What are the benefits of creating an Account?
2)  How do I create an Account?
3)  How can I update the information in My Account?


1)  An account provides access to features and custom settings that enhance your shopping experience, such as storing multiple shipping addresses for ease-of-use during checkout.

2)  Select My Account or Log-In at the top of any page. Fill in your email address under “I am a New Customer” and Click “Create New Account”. On the next page, fill in your personal information and Click “Create Account.” View our Privacy Policy.

3)  Select My Account at the top of any page. Log-In with your existing email address / password. On the next page, you will see choices for your Account features in the left-hand navigation. You can edit your personal information, change your password, add or edit addresses in your address book and view your order history. Edit any info or features and save changes as required.

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